Wednesday, February 5th

Link to Lunch Menu

Grade K-6 Students:

The Waubay Public Library will be holding their winter reading challenge beginning February 3rd through March 14th! Click here for more details.

Basketball Concessions Workers for After Prom on Thursday, Feb. 6th:

1. Brian/Elia Althoff

2. Tom/Dawn Thuringer

3. Travis/Roxanne Christensen

4. Todd/Kristen Rockwood

5. Joey Utne

Basketball Concessions Workers for After Prom on Saturday, Feb. 8th:

1. Jr./Nicole Berger

2. Ben Dolen

3. Darrin/Staci Rumpza

4. Derrick/Cindy Butler

5. Kelly/Lacey Boik

6. Steve/Jodi Zubke

If you are unable to work your concession you MUST find your REPLACEMENT!!

***Remember to bring a pan of bars each concession you work!! If you do not bake bars, please donate $20 to concessions the date you are scheduled to work. Thank you!!***

Mark Your Calendars! Sophomore Class is having a Taco Chili Supper at the Waubay Community Center on Friday, February 7th!

  • All sophomore students, please remember to bring a pan of bars with you when you come work!

Sophomore Fundraiser

Athletic Announcements:

Weekly Schedule

Mustang Apparel available through Roy's Sport Shop in Watertown. Use the following link to order.


Juniors and seniors interested in the taking the ACT, contact Ms. Ramirez or Mrs. Purdy if you need help getting registered. Click here to search locations for each testing date.

Testing Date

Registration Deadline

April 5th

February 28th

June 14th

May 9th

July 12th

June 6th


Thursday, February 6th

  • Wrestling - Lennox/Milbank/Dells Quad @ Milbank

  • 4:00 pm C Team BBB vs. Florence/Henry @ Waubay

  • 5:00 pm JH BBB vs. Florence/Henry @ Waubay

  • 6:15 pm BBB vs. Florence/Henry @ Waubay

Friday, February 7th

  • 4:30 pm 7th Grade BBB vs. Groton @ Waubay

  • 6:00 pm JH GBB @ Castlewood

Saturday, February 8th

  • 4:00 pm GBB/BBB vs. Northwestern (DH) @ Waubay

Tuesday, February 11th

  • 4:00 pm GBB/BBB vs. Estelline (DH) @ Summit

Wednesday, February 12th

  • 6:30pm School Board Meeting

Thursday, February 13th

  • 4:30pm 7th & 8th BBB @ Browns Valley

  • 4:00 pm GBB/BBB vs. Britton/Hecla (DH) @ Summit *Kind Like Cade*

Friday, February 14th

  • 6:00 pm GBB @ Waverly/South Shore

Parents: If you do not have a parent portal set up to check your students grades and would like one, please email or call the business office. All students k-12 have grades posted in Infinite Campus, attendance reports, lunch balance, and other information available to you in the parent portal. There is also an app you may download to use on your smartphone.